Committed Friday VS Black Friday
Since 2024 Balberg shop has been a signatory to the Balberg Charter. Good or Fine. Bien ou Bien brings together brands that respect the planet and human beings, and offers a guide and resources to help consumers make virtuous consumer choices.
For several weeks now in November, most of the major retailers have been enticing us with ever more Black Friday promotions.
In these times of crisis, it's a good time for most of us to make attractive purchases of consumer goods that are useful for our daily lives. And that's just as well! The risk is that we fall into a cycle of compulsive buying, buying goods that we don't need or don't like, but because they're on special offer we say to ourselves "this is a chance to treat ourselves".
But do we really enjoy owning so many things?
Most of the objects sold by the various industries are harmful to human health and our ecosystems, and on top of that we spend our money supporting an industrial system that overproduces and pushes us to overconsume.
For me, Committed Friday means choosing to consume less but better, by choosing natural, healthy products that respect the health of ecosystems and humans. And that's important throughout the life of an object, from its production to its recycling and use!
That's why, in order to put a stop to this system from our rightful place, and to make our voices heard, the brands that have signed up to Bien ou bien are committing themselves this Black Friday to a bright Friday of reflection, commitment and enlightened purchases! With us, choose to support virtuous brands that offer good products for you and your loved ones!